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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - tumble


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Перевод с английского языка tumble на русский

1) тлв переворот (видеоэффект) 2) опрокидывать; кантовать
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  1) выбиваться 2) галтовать 3) опрокидывание 4) опрокидывать 5) очищать в галтовочном барабане 6) падение 7) переворачивание 8) переворачивать - tumble the leather ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  гл. падать (о ценах, курсах) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. падение mass tumble —- (велоспорт) групповое падение; завал to have (to take) a nasty tumble —- сильно ушибиться 2. падение (кабинета и т. п.); уход в отставку the premier's tumble from office —- падение премьер-министра 3. падение, резкое снижение (цен, курса и т. п.) a tumble in stock market prices —- резкое падение цен на бирже 4. кувырканье, акробатический прыжок; кульбит to perform tumbles —- делать кульбиты; кувыркаться 5. беспорядок, смятение things were all in a tumble —- все было в полном беспорядке 6. беспорядочно направленные предметы, груда предметов a tumble of rocks and trees —- хаотическое нагромождение камней и (поваленных) деревьев his desk was a complete tumble of papers —- его стол был весь завален бумагами Id: to take a tumble —- ам. сл. понять, догадаться Id: to give smb. a tumble —- проявить интерес, внимание к кому-л.; обратить внимание на кого-л. 7. упасть, свалиться, скатиться; шлепнуться; полететь на землю to tumble down the stairs —- скатиться с лестницы to tumble off a horse —- упасть (свалиться) с лошади to tumble into a river —- свалиться в реку to tumble out of the window —- вывалиться из окна he tripped over a stone and tumbled —- он споткнулся о камень и упал 8. бросать, швырять; опрокидывать to tumble the books helter-skelter into the box —- побросать книги кое-как в коробку the accident tumbled the passengers out of the car —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  about  а) кувыркаться;  б) беспокойно ворочаться, метаться (в постели);  в) метаться, скакать; мелькать (о мыслях); TUMBLE  1. noun  1) падение  2) беспорядок, смятение to take a tumble amer.; sl. - понять, догадаться  2. v.  1) падать (тж. tumble down); рушиться; упасть, споткнувшись (over, off - обо что-л.)  2) кувыркаться, делать акробатические трюки  3) валяться; ворочаться, метаться (в постели)  4) швырять (тж. tumble up, tumble down, tumble out)  5) приводить в беспорядок; мять; ерошить (волосы)  6) бросаться; выскакивать; to tumble into bed - броситься в постель; to tumble out of bed - выскочить из постели - tumble about - tumble down - tumble in - tumble into - tumble off - tumble out - tumble over - tumble to - tumble upon TUMBLE down  а) свалиться, упасть; to tumble down on the ice упасть на льду;  б) превратиться в руины; the walls came tumbling down стены рассыпались в прах; That old building could tumble down any day now.  в) рассыпаться (о волосах);  г) течь вниз, сбегать (о ручье и т.п.)  д) провалиться; Dont tumble down on this easy test. TUMBLE in  а) вваливаться;  б) coll. ложиться спать TUMBLE into  а) упасть, свалиться; to tumble into a river свалиться в реку;  б) бросать, швырять; TUMBLE off упасть, свалиться, полететь на землю; to tumble off a horse упасть/свалиться с лошади TUMBLE (up)on случайно натолкнуться, наткнуться; набрести TUMBLE out  а)...
Англо-русский словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 intr. & tr. fall or cause to fall suddenly, clumsily, or headlong. 2 intr. fall rapidly in amount etc. (prices tumbled). 3 intr. (often foll. by about, around) roll or toss erratically or helplessly to and fro. 4 intr. move or rush in a headlong or blundering manner (the children tumbled out of the car). 5 intr. (often foll. by to) colloq. grasp the meaning or hidden implication of an idea, circumstance, etc. (they quickly tumbled to our intentions). 6 tr. overturn; fling or push roughly or carelessly. 7 intr. perform acrobatic feats, esp. somersaults. 8 tr. rumple or disarrange; pull about; disorder. 9 tr. dry (washing) in a tumble-drier. 10 tr. clean (castings, gemstones, etc.) in a tumbling-barrel. 11 intr. (of a pigeon) turn over backwards in flight. --n. 1 a sudden or headlong fall. 2 a somersault or other acrobatic feat. 3 an untidy or confused state. Phrases and idioms tumble-drier n. a machine for drying washing in a heated rotating drum. tumble-dry v.tr. & intr. (-dries, -dried) dry in a tumble-drier. tumbling-barrel (or -box etc.) a revolving device containing an abrasive substance, in which castings, gemstones, etc., are cleaned by friction. tumbling-bay 1 the outfall of a river, reservoir, etc. 2 a pool into which this flows. Etymology: ME tumbel f. MLG tummelen, OHG tumalon frequent. of tumon: cf. OE tumbian dance ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~d; tumbling)  Etymology: Middle English, frequentative of tumben to dance, from Old English tumbian; akin to Old High German tumon to reel  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to fall suddenly and helplessly  b. to suffer a sudden downfall, overthrow, or defeat  c. to decline suddenly and sharply (as in price) ; drop the stock market ~d  d. to fall into ruin ; collapse  2.  a. to perform gymnastic feats in tumbling  b. to turn end over end in falling or flight  3. to roll over and over, to and fro, or end over end ; toss  4. to issue forth hurriedly and confusedly  5. to come by chance ; s~  6. to come to understand ; catch on didn't ~ to the seriousness of the problem  transitive verb  1. to cause to ~ (as by pushing or toppling)  2.  a. to throw together in a confused mass  b. rumple, disorder  3. to whirl in a tumbling barrel  II. noun  Date: 1634  1.  a. a disordered mass of objects or material  b. a disorderly state  2. an act or instance of tumbling ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (tumbles, tumbling, tumbled) 1. If someone or something tumbles somewhere, they fall there with a rolling or bouncing movement. A small boy tumbled off a third floor fire escape... He fell to the ground, and the gun tumbled out of his hand. VERB: V prep/adv, V prep/adv • Tumble is also a noun. He injured his ribs in a tumble from his horse. N-COUNT: usu sing 2. If prices or levels of something are tumbling, they are decreasing rapidly. (JOURNALISM) House prices have tumbled by almost 30 per cent in real terms since mid-1989... Share prices continued to tumble today on the Tokyo stock market. ...tumbling inflation. VERB: V by/from/to amount, V, V-ing • Tumble is also a noun. Oil prices took a tumble yesterday. N-COUNT: usu sing 3. If water tumbles, it flows quickly over an uneven surface. Waterfalls crash and tumble over rocks. ...the aromatic pines and tumbling streams of the Zonba Plateau. VERB: V prep, V-ing 4. If you say that someone tumbles into a situation or place, you mean that they get into it without being fully in control of themselves or knowing what they are doing. (mainly BRIT) Many mothers and children tumble into poverty after divorce... VERB: V into n 5. see also rough and tumble ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 always + adv/prep to fall quickly and suddenly downwards, especially with a rolling movement + over/backwards/down  (She lost her balance and tumbled backwards.) 2 always + adv/prep to move in an uncontrolled way + into/through  (The kids tumbled out of the car.) 3 if prices or figures tumble, they go down suddenly and by a large amount  (Stock market prices have tumbled over the past week.) 4 always + adv/prep if someone's hair tumbles down, it is long and thick and has curls  (Long blonde hair tumbled about her face.) 5 AmE to do tumbling tumble to sth phr v informal to suddenly understand or realize something  (It was a long time before she tumbled to what I meant.) ~2 n a fall, especially from a high place  (- see also rough­and­tumble) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - M.E., perhaps from a frequentive form of O.E. tumbian "dance about," of unknown origin. Tumble-down (1791) originally meant "habitually falling down" and was used first of horses; tumbler "drinking glass" (1664) was originally a glass with a rounded or pointed bottom which could not be set down until it was empty. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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